
Hamdail plc

Our Mining facilities

Places and Machineries


Asebe Teferi


We have a broad mining facilites for a mass production and quality minerals 

Hamdail plc

Babile Mining Site

A location where large deposits of calcium carbonate are extracted from the earth. These sites typically consist of open-pit mines, depending on the depth and accessibility of the deposits. The extracted calcium carbonate is then processed and refined for various industrial applications such as in the production of cement, glass, paper, and plastics.

Hamdail plc

Shinile Mining Site

These sites are typically found in areas with abundant limestone or marble formations, as these rocks are rich in calcium carbonate. The extraction process involves drilling, blasting, and crushing the rock to obtain the desired calcium carbonate material. Once extracted, the calcium carbonate can be further processed for various industrial applications such as manufacturing cement, producing lime, or as a filler in plastics and paper products.

Hamdail plc

Asebe Teferi Mining Site

A location where dolomite, a mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, is extracted from the earth’s crust. Dolomite is commonly used in various industries, including construction, agriculture, and manufacturing. The mine site typically involves the excavation and processing of dolomite rocks to obtain the desired grade and quality for commercial use. Additionally, proper environmental management practices are implemented to ensure sustainable mining operations and minimize any potential negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem.

Hamdail plc

Somali Region Mining Site

A location where talc, a soft mineral used in various industries, is extracted from the earth. These sites are typically found in regions rich in talc deposits and require extensive mining operations to extract the mineral. The extracted talc is then processed and refined for use in products such as cosmetics, ceramics, paper, and plastics.

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